Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pseudosquillisma oculata

Obtained from - Saltwaterfish.com
Size - 3 Inches (76 Millimeters)
Gender - Female
Status - Arrived at a Wednesday (02/27/2013)

I meant to post this when it arrived but i didn't. When i was about to post this very rare Pseudosquillisma oculata. I thought it died as it stopped coming out from the rubble work. I assumed it had passed away, boy i'm happy i was wrong! It just recently appeared and more active as ever. I think it was hungry as i stopped placing food and she decided to hunt. Now its just out and about cleaning tidying its home and looking for food.

She's very happy as it appears to be but her body is whiting out. Kinda like milky? No idea what is going on and can't ask anyone as she's rare and no other captivity information is known of them. I'm just going to assume is ready to molt and i know its likely a wrong guess. Shrugs. I will see and will share when it comes available. 

Raoulserenea komaii

Obtained from - BlueZooAquatics.com
Size - 2 - 3 Inches (50 - 76 Millimeters)
Gender - Female
Status - Arrives Friday (05.10.2013)

So this is my second Raoulserenea komaii, female. It looks just like the one i got from iBluewater.com but this one was very well priced. If only the very rare male Raoulserenea komaii didn't die from the supplier i would have had three of this kind. I will take extra more care of this little lady when i get her. I have a perfect spot to place her in. I would have to move the Neogonodactylus wennerae to ether a smaller HOB tank or let it fend for it self in the Display Refugium with Lilith, the Odontodactylus scyllarus.

This is the amazing and beautiful specimen. I oddly came upon her by opening my email and there she was. I nearly fell off me chair and snatch her right away! Currently in a tight spot with money but you don't often get this chance and price often. The one below was my first one from iBluewater.com; they are nearly identical! Legs are different color but basically the same.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Odontodactylus scyllarus

Obtained from - PhishyBusiness.com
Size - 4.5 Inches (114.3 Millimeters)
Gender - Female
Status - Arrives Tuesday? (03.12.2013)

After seeing Kharn's 'Kraken' & 'Juggernaut', Odontodactylus scyllarus. Made me want another that i could activity look after, something large enough that is interactive. This one reminds me of my very first Peacock, 'Illyria' and of course of 'Alice'. So, i saw this one sometime ago and it was priced quite nicely. She was still there and i guess it was meant to be mine!

I think she has some faint signs of shell rot. I think i can induce her to molt in hopes to get rid of it.